Computer Stretches

When you are stiff and sore from sitting at your computer for long periods, it’s best if you vary your position and posture periodically. We know we shouldn’t sit for too long without taking a break to stretch and move around, but we forget, and then pay for it at the end of the day. In order to prevent chronic back & neck pain, here are several excellent stretches that our office manager Sheri uses so that she doesn’t ‘stiffin up’.

Scroll down for the demo.














We advertised for someone who could work a ‘Flexible’ schedule and Sheri has worked out great. You could say our casual Fridays are jealously envied by most of our advertisers. We do seem to get a lot of personally delivered checks for ads on Fridays now,! We will be moving next to Your Logo Here’s new location, behind Calico Jack’s soon. We will run a picture of the store front as soon as we get the signs up.